Call Monitoring

Often the first interaction a customer makes with your business is through a phone call, and this first impression can be the key to landing a successful sale or building an ongoing client relationship. This is why Reality Based Group created the Real Calls™ call recording program. Our call recording system allows you to receive data driven insights into the phone conversions your employees are having with your customers, providing you with the actionable information you need to make necessary adjustments and improve phone call behaviors while ensuring every caller is receiving a positive customer experience.

Recorded & Scored Outbound Telephone Calls

Recorded and Measured customer sales and service calls that can be coached and trained to providing the metrics for management to analyze and act upon. Your team makes the calls, listen to the calls, coach to the calls.

Dialing up your customer service.

Any touch of your customer over the phone can be recorded and scored for analysis and strategic adjustments. The analytics will provide your company with all the data necessary to understand your current customer needs, desires and expectations. Whether you are an automobile dealership measuring your team’s follow up sales calls, a financial institution adding on products and services to existing account holders, or a call center seeking monitoring for a large employee base, the Real Calls™ process will allow you to record, accurately measure and coach to the performance of your sales and service team.

What Makes Our Calls Real?

Using our proprietary, browser-based solution to record sales & customer service calls and provide analysis. NO Hardware & NO Software to Install! Results are delivered on the same online dashboard as your other Reality Based products.

Providing Service for the Following Kinds of Calls:

  • Sales Calls:
    Verify your sales team is making the correct pitch and utilize your recordings to coach your team for better results.
  • Customer Service Calls:
    Ensure your current customers are receiving high quality customer service while boosting your team’s ability to provide a more positive experience.
  • Customer Follow-Up Calls:
    Confirm that your customer needs have been resolved and improve upon your team’s ability to enhance ongoing customer relations.
  • Collections Calls:
    Validate that the correct questions are being asked and help support your team in receiving owed debts by improving their calls.
  • 24/7 Onboarding Calls:
    Be positive that all onboarding calls are being made correctly and efficiently while using recordings to boost new customer/employee experiences.
Get Your Call Quality Monitoring with Reality Based Group

Have a better understanding of customer and client phone calls with the best call monitoring available from Reality Based Group. With the Real Calls™ program you can have a direct understanding the customer experience providing over the phone and receiving actionable insight so you can train your employees to provide an improved customer experience and begin to see more results through your calls. Find out how your customer phone calls can be improved by contacting Reality Based Group today at 1-877-990-3456 or you can have one of our professional team members contact you by filling out our online form.

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